A Year Spent with Blueprint: An Interview with Jeff Glitz

For the last year, Jeff Glitz has been Blueprint's faithful intern. Learn more about what his time at BP looked like:

-Remind us how you became involved with BP?

My brother and sister-in-law both interned at S.O.S. (Service Over Self), a partner organization that Blueprint is modeled after. So when my brother told me about Blueprint being in San Antonio, I thought it would be really awesome to be closer to him because he lives in Dallas. So I came down to visit Blueprint while in Texas and met all the people that worked here and fell in love with the organization. So the next three years I was on Summer Staff and for the past year I have been the full time intern.

-What does the life of a yearlong intern look like on a day-to-day basis?

During the Spring Break and summer it was just like when I was a Summer Staff member, working with the groups that came in for the week and overseeing the homes that we were working on. During the times that we did not have Spring Break or summer camp I would work on building upkeep and assisting with retreats. Sometimes I would go out to homes to help with previewing them or fixing little things that groups were not able to get to. I would also work with Bobby, our Camp Program Director, and go to churches in other cities to meet with them about their time at Blueprint during the summer. Every day interning at Blueprint looks a little bit different depending on what is going on during that time.

-What is your favorite BP memory from the last year?

I don’t know if I have just one favorite memory. Time spent with Doug and Layton, Blueprint’s Construction Staff, may have been some of my favorite times here. I also enjoyed the time I was able to spend with Joe and Jack, 2016 summer staffers, and getting to know them better.

-What is one significant thing you have learned in your time as an intern?

Most of the things that I have learned over the past year have been construction related. I now have construction skills that I can use in the future.

 -After a year spent in SA, have you found a favorite breakfast taco spot?

I have always been a fan of Taco Haven.

-Do you have a favorite San Antonio activity?

One of my favorite things to do is going for walks in some of the nature trails that are in San Antonio. There is one trail by the place I live that I go to at least 3 or 4 times a week to go on a walk and enjoy the peace and quiet it offers.

-What is your favorite board game to play?

I would have to say Ticket to Ride is my favorite board game, but my favorite card game is definitely Monopoly Deal.

-What is next for you?

I am currently looking for jobs in Texas and Michigan, really depending on God and following Him where He wants me to be.

Thanks Jeff for your time here at Blueprint, we miss you already!